Τρίτη 20 Ιουνίου 2017

A trip in time and space!

If you had a time machine where in the past would you wish to travel?
Museums are just that, time machines that transport us to the past....but also help us discover the present and sometimes get a glimpse of the future of our world...

Did you know that you can visit museums hundreds of kilometeres away from home?
Today we'll visit one of the most famous museums in the world.

What does NMNH stand for?
Where is it?
What kinds of exhibits can you expect to see there?

Tomorrow, we go on our first field trip to Athens Natural History Museum.
Why is it called the Gaia Museum?
Where is it?
What kinds of exhibits can you expect to see there?

Revision Time
We've already revisited quite a few parts of Grammar.
On Monday, it's revision time.
We're testing what we know in real life!
Study well, ask your mentor for advice, GET READY!

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